• 1) UltraEdit
  • 2) Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • 3) Sublime Text
  • 4) Atom
  • 5) Vim
  • 6) Brackets
  • 7) Notepad++
  • 8) Expresso

Ultra Edit

It is and excellent choice for developer to use as main text editor. Ultra edit comes with security , performance and flexibility. it can handle large file and multiple files with ease.
Pricing: $99.95/yr with all access.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code

VS Code is awesome editor for developer and most of the python programmer use the vs code. you can get free extension with this editor to increase work and its qualities. its comes with built in terminal.
Pricing: FREE.

Sublime Text

Rich features and attractive design is good for programmers. Distraction-free writing mode and split editing is key features for developers.
Pricing: $99


Atom is best for community-developed packages. it has many community developed packages and comes with cross platform editing functionality.


It is best for who want to performance at work. its built for command line uses and use in GUI. its available in Linux, Windows and Mac.


its very good for web designers. It comes with many coding tools and real time website visualization and changes reflect instantly


it is very good for working on TXT, HTML, CSS, PHP, and XML. Many supported plugins are available for the developers to enhance the work performance. it is free and opensource project. it has good interface for tabs, support for macros and plugins, and an autosave features which save files temporarily and allows you to save files in another location.


It is best for web designers comes with single window and offers quick editing. it has drag and drop features which designers like very much.
Pricing: $99


  • TextMate
  • Light Table
  • BBEdit
  • Komodo Edit
  • Blue Fish